• BJ thanks for the concern. I am well taken care of and the big word in my life now is COPE. Learning to cope with it all is the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

    I have plenty of things of interest to do. The largest problem that I have with this is energy. I just have so little any more.

    Our garden may have failed but my DH goes to a farmer's market every Saturday morning so we have a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. He is my salvation and keeps me going.

  • Good morning BJ, Helen, Carol and Judy. It has been a long hot summer but somehow it is hard to believe that it is the beginning of fall. The leaves are falling some but not because it is time but because the trees have been so damaged.

    My son and grandson have built a ramp from the front porch to the driveway for my wheel chair. It stays in the car, the chair, not the ramp. lol because I can walk that little distance but not much farther. I have oxygen now all of the time and have a portable unit to take with me when I leave the house. Then, wherever I go, I can use my chair when or where ever we stop. We go to the Golden Corral 2/3 times a week so the chair is of great comfort there. Anyway, it is so much easier to get to the car with a banister on the ramp to hold on to.

    The wood on the ramp is curing now and soon it will be stained the same color as the shutters. I am sure that it will look extra nice.

  • I was sorting in our closets and found a lot of mending. Especially in the jeans department. I haven't gotten much done in the mending department, clothes or the household for weeks, er maybe months. I seem to keep busy. I have finally decided that I am going to have to hire some help with the cleaning. That means scratching around in the budget. I would love to say that I have found the extra funds by selling at eBay but that just ain't so. I sell mostly books so forget them. That market is dead, dead. Have other things to sell but must take some pictures. Also need some sort of gumpsion. In my old age, I would rather just sit.

  • Is it too hot to post or go to auctions or sales of any kind? I know that a lot of you eBayer are having a miserable time dispite the weather.
    Many of you can not use your computers or any other electric equipment so hope you can see this when everything is turned on again.
    My grandson is in Charlotsville, Va and he at least can use his computer. He somehow has backup batteries and must recharge them at his wife's work. I feel so lucky that we aren't there.

  • Yes, Judy and Carol, I know that feeling of meeting friends you have met through these chatrooms. I wonder sometimes if eBay knows the bad feelings left from our loosing our method of talking with our friends. I know that there have been lots of sales lost this way too. One way is that we no longer can go see the listings at the end of the first lines of our posts, or see the feedback numbers. I am so glad that these boards have survived though although I admit that I am not posting as I should. I will try to do better.

  • Judy, how was your visit with Ginnyrose. Wish I could have been there too. I miss the "get togethers" we used to have and I suppose that is because of the Board breakups at eBay. There are more and more things going on with them lately and I get so frustrated about it as there is nothing I can do about any of it. Thank goodness we have this place to visit.

  • Helen, it sounds like you are doing better? Dear Edgar holding up through it all?
    Russell is just worn out. My trips to the hospital are hard on him. After he gets me into the emergency room he either goes and sits in the car or goes home because the chairs at the hospital are so hard on his back. It is easier on me when I know he isn't suffering too.

  • I am really upset about the constant change in the method of listing. Does anyone else hate it?>

    I have been trying to cope with this Gout devil. I have been to the emergency room because my regular meditation doesn't take care of the pain, and it keeps moving to include another area. It has made a big grouch of me.

    After all these years, I have reached the 1,000 in feedback. That does make me happy.

  • Hi Helen, will give you a call soon. The gout has come back and I am unable to go much farther than the next room which is my bedroom and the bath room is in the middle of getting from here (the computer to there). DH is just about worn out himself and DS and DD help as much as they can. I take my meds and try to not ask for much. I did manage to sell 3 books last week and what a surprise that was. DH took them to the po for me. Really did a lot for my ego.

  • Morning all. I am going to post a copy of my answer to another board.

    Back home after a week in the hospital. What we thought was a broken bone in my foot turned out to be Gout. It was so painful that when I woke up, I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t stand to put any weight on my foot. The fireman had to come with special equipment to get me out of the house.

    Then, after lots of testing my blood was too thin for some minor surgery they found I needed. Coumadin level was way too high. That was a wow as I just had it checked a week ago. So now I go back to the hospital next Thursday for the surgery. Anyway, I sold 2 books so life was not a complete loss.

  • There is a little brown bird that is coming to the feeder. He likes the bread crumbs too. He is marked a lot like the chipmunk only smaller patterns and he walks head down the tree trunks.

  • Good Morning all. I am hearing mostly cardinals and they are singing their little red heads off. Partly cloudy and smells like a bit of rain. It's definitely spring so it can and will do what ever it wants. A little rain will just fill up the birdbath and rinse off the porch furniture. Wonder why hot coffee and/or tea tastes so good out there?

    We have a new bird feeder on the porch rail, right out side of my window. We got it at GW where we often get things like that. It is a round plastic and DH screwed it right down through holes he made in it. The squirrels have visited it already. Hummm suppose because we put out the rest of the winter sun flower seeds? That is also where the stale bread, crackers, toast crusts popcorns not popped and things like that go. It is always is picked clean very soon. It makes a fun place for Jasper and Jimmy to watch, with tales swishing as though they were sweeping my desk.

  • Good Morning Aunties, Going to be another beautiful day. Coffee is being served on the side porch as soon as I get my bucket of soapy water out there to wash off the table and chairs.

    Another thing you can do with that cookie is…as soon as you take them out of the oven you can put M&Ms, kisses, raisins etc in the dent. Also, it works with plain cookie dough, like sugar cookies, oatmeal etc.
    When you get them done would you send me one each? mmmmm

  • Mmmm. Anybody hungry? It is still very dark outside even though it is almost 7a.m.

    Today’s cookies are peanut butter and jelly cookies.
    You make the pnb cookies in the usual way but just before putting in the oven, you press a dent in the middle and in that dent, you drop in the jelly via teaspoon, then continue as the recipe requires. They are extra good while they are still warm.

    Add a big glass of icy cold milk and watch them disappear.
    I use strawberry or black raspberry preserves or grape jelly.
    I watch them a little closer towards the end to see how long it takes them to brown properly.

  • Hi Nina, I don't know where everyone is. I check every day and try to think what "they" might want to talk about. I hope that I haven't chased them off.

  • Where do you all go with your antique furniture? I know nothing about shipping it and am afraid that the cost must be astronomical? I know that the Road Show is not an option and one of the pieces needs mending a little. Any ideas?

  • There is something especially beautiful this morning. I will try to describe it for you. If you could just climb in there between my ears to see some of the wonderous things I see from my computer room window. More about that later.
    The sap is up in our little sugar maple and the squirrels are busy nibbling along the limbs to get a taste of that sweetness. Hanging on one of the small branches is a big blob or drip of that sap. The sun light is caught in that bubble and it is a beautiful crystal, changing to an array of rainbow colors as the light wind moves it about. It is gone now but lasted long enough for me to realize what it was and to enjoy it. Prettier than any piece of glass and sure doesn’t last as long.
    Anyway, you can tell that I am awed?

  • Morning friends! The coffee is ready and a few oatmeal, chocolate chip, pecan cookies. I measure out the ingredients and DH puts them together. We both take turns watching the oven. We often add a bit of cocoanut, or mar. cherries, or dates or raisins to part of the batter just for a little change. We make a X4 batch or as the kids say, Grams made a fourfull batch of cookies today. They don't seem to last long.

    Anyway, have some and grab a few in a baggie for after while.

    It is a sunshinny day. Temps supposed to reach the 60's. Both cats have found a patch of sunshine and are napping. When the shine moves, they get up and move with it. Funny to watch. They are both shedding, I am sneezing and the hair is collecting along the baseboards. The dust bunnies are collecting a few cat hairs too.

  • PatC, I don't do much of any of that any more. Blame that on having a computer and, of course my love of reading. Also, my grandchildren are often more fun.

  • patC, I learned to knit, crochet, sew and embroidery, before I went to high school as did most women my age. So I have made doilies and all sorts of things like that. It was supposed to keep my fingers out of trouble. It must have because I didn't and I loved it all. I do to this day but now I mostly sew and with a grand new Singer sewing machine.

  • Where is everyone? I don't hear about much going to auctions and sales. Is it because of the cost of gas? It is sure costly too. Since I can't go to those things, I hang onto words about those that do go. There are many Garage sales too. I can't manage them since I must use a wheel chair. DH stops occasionally and say there is nothing I would be interested in. Haha, we all know that one, don't we?

  • I no longer know the correct definition of an "Antique" for the things that I was familiar with in my childhood as only old are now antique. I just don't have it square in my mind. Even the "Vintage" items, like those that I received as wedding gifts, 60 years ago are now surely Vintage. If not, what does one call them, just old?

    Just old? Hummm, that's me, lol. Might I be antique one day? Soon?

  • Hope you are feeling much better Helen. Those things can be a mean thing to get through. The pills and sleep afterwards are the reward for putting up with it all. Sorry about the stones. I heard they can be real devils. Rest lots for a while. Take care.
    I enjoyed the game but didn't like Madonna one little bit. I hope people don't associate her with Indiana, she came from Upper Michigan.

  • Oh, dear Helen. I hope you didn't go through that all by yourself? Feel for you. Life does put one through some "not nice" things doesn't it? Heal fast, hope it didn't hurt too badly...hugs.

  • Morning, I woke up this early and can't seem to get back to sleep. The latest news last night said the there was a tornado warning or watch, I forget which. Anyway I went to sleep with that on my mind. Maybe that is why I am awake I guess. I have looked out and all I see and hear is rain.

    New kitten, Jim is here taking a bath on my desk. He would very much like to chase the cursor, so every little bit I have to put him on the floor. DH took him to the vet to makes sure he wasn't contagious or had any parasites. I am glad to report that he is free of all of that stuff.

    He is about 6 months and is very friendly and sweet and continually trying to get our gentleman cat, Jasper to play with him. Most of the time, Jasper just hisses at him and moves away. Prissy old thing is Jasper and wants every thing on his own terms. Jim hasn't learned any of that yet. It is fun to watch and it looks like the kitten is winning.

    Jim goes to his litter box, hurrah! and likes anything we give him to eat. He adores laps and is fitting in quite well. The window sills are his favorite places and he spends a lot of time watching the squirrels.

  • HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR, and of course that your whole Holiday Season was as great as ours was.

    I have had a super nice Christmas. Some family made the trip back here again that were here for Thanksgiving. We had all kinds of food again with so many bringing their share. The kitchen counters were always full. Everyone pitched in to do something. My youngest daughter just took charge and made sure that things were put away or in the frig. She even ran the sweeper several times as Christmas was about a week long this year.

  • It is cold. I have to wear my heaviest jacket and put another quilt on our bed. even Jasper is finding the warmest place to nap. His favorite place is someone's lap. Fortunately, the roads have been clear here and though lots of rain, nothing slippery. All the green is gone. No wonder we like red bows on things.

  • Helen, every time we drove through St. Lewis, my thoughts were that we were going west with just a little south. I was always in awe of the rivers and when they merged there just North of the expressway, it felt like I was looking at the arm of the ocean. The only other large river that I have experienced is the Columbia and the bridge across that water seemed as wide as a shoestring. The "other" side looked unbelievably far away. I was so glad to get to the north shore that day. Frightened doesn't cover it, more like terrorfied.

  • Yep BJ. People stock up on bread and milk because with bread you can always have PB&J, and with milk you have a use for cereal, pudding mix, thin soups, cocoa, gravy. Fire places can be a wonderful thing when the power is off. Abe Lincoln wouldn't have become president without one, er, well, maybe.

    I'm not ready for cold yet. Too bad cause here it is. Out come the house socks. Remember to water the plants that have been moved inside. Find the extra covers and throws for watching TV, putering and reading.

    I'm not ready for 2011 to be over yet. Reminded of things I didn't do this year. Bought a new desktop calendar. Already have some appointments for next month, that's next year. Gonna have to shove the things undone in '11 onto the list I will make for '12.

    Awe that just makes me tired. Think I will just take a nap.

    First new year's resolution is to remember everyone's birthday. Guess I should put that on that new calendar. Later, I think..

  • The middle girl, Patti, managed to get away for a week this year and she will be putting my computer in order, showing me some new things on it and my Ipad. She will be taking me to get my hair cut and they will all join in on other things. Russell will be directing traffic and telling everyone where things are. They will be playing cards and with the little kids. I wish I could stay awake and alert longer but what the heck I really won't miss much and they all tell on each other.

  • JRED2, BAMAJ, I do feel better. I spend most of my time in my lazy girl with a pillow, cover and a cat on my lap. The Queen is sleeping lots watching TV and I use my Ipad too. My youngest, Carol is coming a day sooner to see that I stay quiet. She is good at bossing the rest around. That is cause they love her so. Her nickname is Windy. She lives in Michigan so don't usually see her as much as I like.

  • This post is a copy that I am using on the other boards to explain that after making request for others to post, I may not be able to as much as I wanted. so here it is.

    It is Good Evening Cause about 2:00 a.m. I had an Asthma attack and had to go to the emergncy room. Came home again this morning about 10.00 am. Had a breathing treatment, exrays and left a pint of blood and lots of oxygen. Have an appointment with Drs on Nov.25 at ll:oo a.m. I tried to get out of that one but was told, no way. I sure am glad that I am not cooking. All I have to do this year is be here. The kids are all taking care of things. Not exactly what I had in mind today but well, no one put me in charge of me either.

    I am really in no pain, just the problem breathing and coughing. Awfullly sleepy and getting a lot of it too.
    Am taking Prednozone...excuse the spelling as I would have to get up to find out how to spell it.

    Fortunately, about the only thing I can do other than read and watch TV is use my computer so, here I am.
    No sweeping, making beds and little cooking, then using the microwave. I do sit and cut up veggies for my salads.

    So glad to see your posts, thanks so much for writing.

  • Hi Everyone. I have wondered where and how you all are? We must not let this board die. I have come here every day hoping to find some talking and no one is here. Oh yes, I know that we are all busy getting ready for the holidays but…..let us not forget each other.

    I think part of our problem is that we think that we should only talk about Antiques. Well, at least that would be a start. Just think about it this way. We might be a bunch of people that like or know some things about other stuff . We have other things in our lives and so why not share that.

    What are you planning to do or eat for dinner next Thursday? Who all is going to be with you? Or, are you going to some where else that day? What are you going to take? What is your favorite part of the dinner?

    There was such a nice lady on the old board that spoke about 5 things that made her happy. Like, to see her grandchildren playing and her husband patting his friend our old dog. Do you know anything like that?

    My DH doesn't like Turkey or any kind of bird so he always takes Ham to out daughter's and that is his contribution to her dinner.

    My family will help DD clean up and then they will all pile into their cars and come back to our house. By then I will need a nap and they will be playing cards and will eat something. Actually, anything that isn't hidden. DD will bring desserts left over from her dinner and it will go fast.

    Most of them will start going home on Saturday and will have had fun going to see what is for sale here on Friday. Won't see them at Christmas unless they live here in Indiana. That is because they will spend that holiday with the other side of their family.

  • Boy, as usual November seems to be going pretty fast and my list of things that must be done before our big family gets together to devour a turkey and a ham and whatever else anyone decides to donate. Persimmon Pudding and Pecan, Cherry and Pumpkin Pie. I am going to have one bite, yeha, sure I am, of all the desserts.

    This is the first year that everyone say they are going to be here and we are all excited about that mainly because of the new babies. Wesley is excited, 7 yo, because he has lost 3 teeth and one more is wiggly.

    We are putting everything up that we can, that means out of reach of the toddlers and 2 members have to bring their dogs. It is nice that we have a fenced in back yard. I won't have everyone staying here because my son and another daughter and a grandson will be having extra sleepers stay with them. But they start to arrive next Saturday and will be leaving the next weekend. So if you don't hear from me, you will know what I am doing.

  • Good Morning! We went mid-morning to the Fire station to Vote and found no voters there, just the workers. That sure was a funny feeling. Our Mayor in Indianapolis won that election and was re elected.

    Naturally, I noticed the beautiful leaves falling. The Pear, Gum and fire bushes are spectacular. We can’t keep a large pile of raked leaves unprotected near the street. It just calls to the school kids and of course the thing they HAVE to do is jump around in them.

  • Delores, sweets of any kind don't last very long around here and that graham cracker sandwitch often is just canned icing of any flavor but, their favorite is milk chocolate. When all the boys are here, several boxes of grahams and a can of chocolate icing come in handy. At leaf gathering time, I try to keep plenty of quick snacks handy. Brownies and Gingerbread are favorites too. Coffee cups of jello, with fruit, and or pudding with a puff of whipped cream go fast too. Buy chocolate milk by the gallon.

  • Halloween is over and for me that means Fall is here for good. I got all mixed up and somehow thought that DST change was here. Was kinda disappointed cause I could have used that extra hour.

    The new paving on the street looks great though I am just a little worried what the snow plows might do to it come winter. The truth is, I don't have any thing else to worry about for the moment. Will just turn around twice and there it will be. haha.

    The leaves are starting to pile up with a vengeance and it is so easy to see that the oaks are going to be the very last ones to shed. This neighborhood is loaded with trees and a big portion is oaks.

    The electric pumpkin is stored away and the rest of the t & t candy is put up for a while too. Grandkids will find it first thing and probably will ask about it as soon as they get in the door, like they didn't get a lot themselves.

    Now, we must concentrate on Thanksgiving. It looks like there is going to be about 36 of the clan show up. We will eat at my oldest daughter's house for the big dinner, each of us contributing something and as soon as that is all cleaned up, they will migrate over to Grams and Paps.

    There is a new baby, well she was born May 1st but most of us haven't met her. She will be passed around like a diamond and I am sure we will all think her precious. I can hardly wait.

  • Good Morning all. The snack with this mornings coffee is graham cracker sandWitches with orange icing filling. White frosting, Betty Crocker canned, with orange food coloring, ground up pecans and cinnamon added and warmed in the micro wave if you so desire. Not on the porch anymore for it is too cold besides, the leaves get piled high during the night as we have many trees here in our yard. The leaves are wet and slippery.

    That means, we can talk around the dinning room table which gets a lot of use as we don't have a table in the kitchen anymore. Lots of counter space took care of that need.

    Yes, we need a bit more activity on this board and so I am boldly asking a few friends from here and there to join us.

  • Ginnyrose. The only thing that I watch regularly is Jeopardy and The Biggest Looser. The rest of the shows that we watch are taped and we watch them and skip a lot of commercials that way. Sure lets us get a lot of other things done knowing that we don't have to stop working so we don't miss our shows.

  • They are repaving our street. It gave my DH something to watch and he came in with a blow to blow description just like a young boy. (I knew him as a boy and am so happy when a bit of that returns for me to see}. It looks so very nice and all the humps, bumps and asphalt patching of the pot-holes are gone. Now if it will just last through the winter without a lot of damage. There are a lot of leaves already and I guess we are going to have a pre Thanksgiving Supper to lure the kids over to bag some leaves. Doesn't hurt to bribe does it?

  • Well, ladies, McDonalds is putting chopped up apple and dried fruit and nuts in their oatmeal. I like it a bunch so, I tried it at home and in went some pineapple and a couple of grapes the next morning. Twas good so I suppose a strawberry or blue berry etc. might be good too. I like the maple syrup that McD uses in it too.

  • Delores, I can't imagine that you wouldn't be welcome on any of these boards. We are going to try and forget about the negative things about the old eBay Chat boards. It is like a new start. There as so many nice, friendly and smart people willing to share their expertise and visit a while too.


    Lots of hard work and I am so proud of her.

    Yet, taking time to help and educate us. Big hugs too.

  • Other ingredients to the chili are tomato sauce, red beans and at the very last, elbow macaroni. Oh and must not forget the chili powder, salt and pepper. Some like grated cheese but it isn't necessary for us.

  • Think we are going to have skillet chili tonight. That means to start with hamburger, chopped onions and green peppers and then when they are all cooked through and are starting to brown, add the rest of the ingredients in there, find the lid and let it simmer for a long while. The reward for that chore is another hour reading. You would think I was lazy or something. Shhhh. I really am.

    Went to the trough (Golden Corral) yesterday. They have a new chocolate fountain. I loved all of the fruit, marshmallows and coconut macaroons. I didn't like the taste of the chocolate. Twas a very dark variety. So, now I am going to have to make some milk chocolate pudding and have our own chocolate dip.

  • Well, looka here. It is Thursday already and all that I have accomplished is one crummy folder. At this rate, I will still be trudging along in 2099. Hate to do these things. Hate, hate, hate. Am going to have to reward myself like I do the kids. Humm, one hour of sorting and deciding and one hour of reading my new book.

  • The time has come to "get rid of" paper items. Since I have been registered member of eBay for quite a while, I carefully kept a copy of all the business that I did with them. Now, I need to part with some of it. Well, I need to come to a decision as to how far back to keep and when it is safe to toss (burn or shred). I have a different answer from everyone I asked. So, if you have any idea, I would welcome it. I am also going to research Google...sometime soon.

  • Well, it is whatever the "Webmaster" thinks. As for how I think, someone has to set the rules. Also, I trust this guy's reasoning and I will do my best to follow him.

  • BJ. I am not sure just what is permitted or not and I wish to know for I feel that pictures are important.

  • Good Morning! where is everyone? I hope that you are not doing your Fall house cleaning yet. I haven't finished my Spring Housecleaning...from 3 years ago. I have a lovely friend who announces that she has started hers. She is sooo nice except this annoying habit of hers of telling everyone what marvelous chore she has accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I would love a very clean house and might as well not ever expect to get done. There really isn't a DONE. It is a myth. I think. Maybe. Too many humans come and go through that front door of ours to ever be able say done. How about you???

  • Afternoon, Well, it's goodbye September and hello Autumn. The is still a lot of green out there and flowers blooming that will last until a heavy frost because they are so close to the house. The Cicadas have stopped chirring using their shell and wings with a cracking sound, somewhat like a cricket only much louder. We do have a cricket in the washroom who is still in love and hasn't found his mate yet. It sure is agravating Jasper and he goes in that room and grumbles deep down in his throat, translated from cat to peeps is, "Come out here you coward and I will give you what fore".

  • The ordeal is over, except for the extra sleeping and drinking a lot of fluids. The proceedure, right and left heart catherization took twice as long as originally planned and left my DH in a worried ragged mess. When we got home, he went right to bed too.
    We see DR this afternoon and find out what we do with the results of the tests. Perhaps a quietier life and different meds.

    We received a note from the DOT that they are going to do massive resurfacing our street. So far they have spray painted locations to various pipes and sewers, etc to the delight of the kids walking home from school. This is good news for the bad weather we had last season has left some serious damage.
    The rain we have had lately, some of it heavy, was so welcome. It gave everything a bath, including the car and left a lovelier shade of green to a dying lawn. The fall colors are starting to show a little bit here and there and the squirrels have a heavier coat already and are super busy burying acorns all over the lawn.
    We are already receiving political calls and signs of the coming election here and there. I am tired and bored with it already.
    I got some of my old auctions relisted and wonder if it will be worth the effort to list any more books.
    Hope all has been ok with you all and still am not caught up with reading all of your posts.

  • Thanks BJ. I am so glad that you all came to these new boards. I lived to read from the old ones. I have been with eBay for so long that I remember the time when there was just the CAFE and so each board as it was born was a happy day.

  • Every time I look in the mirror lately, I am reminded that soon "I" will be considered and antique. I must look up that definition soon for my memory of the technical definition is hazy. I think that it used to be 100 years old but I am not sure. Any comments?
    I miss going to yard sales, auctions and thrift stores. This is because I cannot walk and must use my wheel chair whenever. Using it is not the biggest factor, it is that someone has to push it and that would be my DH and he is not in much better shape than I am. Besides, he says, you need to get rid of some of the things that you already have. Sigh, he is right. But the buying and looking is more fun.

  • Bamaj, our favorite orchard is bursting with apples. We also like the chunky apple sauce, sometimes mixed with pineapple. The Michigan part of our family will be with us this weekend and apple anything will be gobbled up. Cutup apples are to good added to oatmeal or into the bread pudding for an extra surprise. Of course, most anything that is not nailed down will just disappear. A grand and glorious time will be had. Hugs and kisses for the babies too. The grill will get a workout too. I need to give the extra yard furniture a once over. So much to do and they will start to arrive today. haha What else is new? Never catch up it seems. Who cares? nobody really.

  • well girls, iced tea, lemonage, or coffee, whatever is being served on the side porch. Fruit of the day is black cherries. MMMM good. While sitting there maybe we can figure out a way to rid ourselves of the hawk family that live in the big trees in the back. I hate to feed the songbirds with them around. They are indeed beautiful and look like chickens flying low over the yard and their funny antics among the branches. They also sit in the oaks in the front over the driveway and befowl the cars parked below. I have a few hundred other topics to cover but thay would do for a start.

  • Aunt T, and roses, or dried rose petals. Anyone else ever collect them? I once had an old vase full of them. No smell left so I poured them into a flower pot as a kind of mulch. Probably won't do much good but made me feel thrifty.
    It is one of those lazy, maybe going to rain days where I just want to sit on the side porch with a tall glass of iced tea and think or day dream about things. The time to plant seeds is over for us and the volunteer plants like caster beans have taken over some and since they have managed to survive and aren't in the way will be around until first frost.
    Hummm, the windows are dusty dirty again and here I have just finished the last one from spring. There are cat nose prints on the patio door. He has been after a bug or two while waiting for me to come back in so that he can sit on me. Any on else out there lazy today? Like I don't have lots that I could be doing?

  • Good Morning everyone. It is so good to see you all. It is a beautiful day in Indianapolis. 68o and all is calm and so clean looking after the rains. We lost some big limbs in the storm but they were from a city tree out front that needs to go. There is no wind and the Ragweed has not gotten to us yet. The birds are so happy with the Poke weed which this year is over 7’ tall.
    Today will be a fun day. I will be spending an hour plus at the new JoAnne Fabric and Craft shop. DH has some shopping to do and so he will leave me there and pick me up when he is done. It has only been open for several weeks and everything is so clean and new and orderly. Will spend some time at the pattern table. Er most time.
    Then he will take me to the Golden Corral for lunch. Love that too. We have gone there so many years that we meet have a circle of friends, not always planned though. And, of course, several favorite waitresses.

  • Haha. So, have a great day.

  • Hi. Please note. We have had problems, a lot lately, with our cable company so have gone over to Comcast. So, our email address may change. So, we are available as always going to have our yahoo email so If you need to contact me, use the Yahoo, unless your are notified. Sigh, I so hate change.

  • The picture is of my youngest GGD Caroline born 5-1-11 such a sweet little girl.

  • well, here I am, I think I am an Antique myself. At least I feel like one myself today.